Why I’m Doing This!

Whoever said ‘money doesn’t buy happiness’ was in denial about their financial state. Money is so much more than about buying things. It’s the accessway to our goals and dreams. Unfortunately, we aren’t educated at all on one of the most used skillsets in the world, using money. Everybody does it in one way or the other. The question is, are you using money well or is money using you?

I am doing this because I can’t think of a better way to serve people. So we’re going to talk about the emotional and psychological aspects of money. We will talk about budgets and finances. We will talk about why you shouldn’t buy gift cards and why Hamilton musical tickets are so hard to get years after its release. How organizations use psychology and behavioral sciences that we use on animals to market to us (and how to see through their tricks). And we’ll go over so much more! My hope is that you will be encouraged, motivated, educated, and armed to be in a better place financially than when you were before finding me. So without further ado, let’s get to the money!!!