12 Sep I’m About to Get on a Plane…
I’m at the airport right now. I’m about to get on a plane. I’m not afraid or anxious at all. It’s not because I believe in the TSA or that I think we’ve eliminated terrorism, it’s because I believe in America. We are portrayed as divided by government and media, but I know the truth.
The truth is that while we are a diverse country that has many differing views due to our smorgasbord of backgrounds, ultimately, we are all Americans. When floods come, guys on boats don’t ask to see your proof of citizenship. When disasters strike, we rally to each other’s aid. When we are attacked by outsiders, we unite and rebuild.
I went on a trip in December to NYC. Seeing the 9/11 Memorial was very emotional. I’m not from New York. I had never been to the Big Apple until this trip. But I felt the wounds where those terrorists cut deep. The reverential awe that something so big could be brought down took me by surprise. But as I stood with my neck craned back as far as it could go so I could see the newly erected One World Trade Center climb into the sky, I felt pride and hope. In some ways, this was more of a symbol of America than Lady Liberty. It’s a symbol of our innovation and relisience. It’s a reminder of who we are at our best. That tower is a huge middle finger to the rest of the world, letting them know we won’t go quietly.
America has its problems. America is far from perfect. But the UNITED STATES of AMERICA will remain just that. United against all enemies, domestic and foreign. May we remember that tomorrow and every day after. Love your neighbor and America will remain one of the greatest countries in the world.