It’s Not About Tires…It’s About Taking the Red Pill

I’ve been getting it left and right from people. When are you going to get to the big issues? Getting out of debt/401k’s/investing/etc.

It’s coming. Soon.

But I wanted to do 2-3 videos on easy ways to save money for a VERY important reason. I’ve talked to hundreds of people. All from different walks in life and with different financial footprints (their individual financial situation, as it were). The ones who think they can’t save or have no money to invest don’t fall in the category of people making a small amount of money. Whether the household income is $36,000/yr or $136,000/year, I keep running into this excuse of “I just don’t have money that I can put away or invest right now“.

That’s complete bull%$!@! Pardon my french…

I’ve done 2 videos now that through basic lifestyle practices that take almost NO EFFORT, that can save you around $400/year. And that’s been about lightbulbs and tire pressure!!! We haven’t even started to discuss the bigger issues at hand like lifestyle creep, how much you’re throwing away in groceries every week, and how just setting up a simple budget and sticking to it could save you hundreds of dollars every month!

I’m putting these videos out to show that there are NO EXCUSES. I interact with a LOT of people in person and online.  I had one guy tell me he wished he had money to invest but then in his next comment on a picture with my TV in it, he tells me he’s going to buy a THIRD one just like it for his mancave…but maybe a bit smaller. Another person told me recently they couldn’t invest anything because they didn’t have any money saved up after paying 30% down for a 2018 BMW. Let’s just say I’m more likely to let the whiskey handle flow a little more than usual on days I hear stuff like that. And those aren’t one-off stories. I’ve got craploads of them.

So that’s why this video is important. If you really want to change your finances…if you really want to take control of your life…if you really want to start living differently…then stop making excuses for yourself. I can’t help you. A certified financial planner can’t help you. Dave Ramsey can’t help you. Grant Cardone, Tony Robbins, the Pope and every other TV personality whose got the answers can’t help you until you take an honest look at your life and decide that you have finally had enough of just ‘getting by’.

You have to take the red pill and see things for what they really are. It takes courage to admit to yourself that you’ve been failing in this area of your life. School never taught you about money. There’s a system set up to take money from you. More than likely your parents didn’t know much about finances and what they did know could be bad advice for today’s world. It’s scary, but its necessary.

So when you decide to get real and take responsibility for your financial footprint, we can finally get to work on being truly free.